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26/09/2023 – Stranded tourists in Lesotho (SARZA Free State Call out)

Location: Semongkong in Lesotho

Date: 26-27 September 2023

SARZA Members: 4 Members

Duration of Call out: 28 Hours

On Monday 25th September 2023, SARZA Free State was requested to locate, assist, and extract 6 vehicles (11 persons) who had gone off track, and ended up in a valley approximately 22km NE of Semongkong in Lesotho.

The group was not able to return the way they entered and were not able to proceed forward.

After 3 days of wild camping the tour guide called Rob R48 for assistance. SARZA FS was contacted and responded on the morning of the 26th September to the area and located the tour guide who then led the team to the stranded persons.

The pass where the tourists were stranded was extremely rough(rocky), narrow and very steep. 1 vehicle had to be winched all the way out due to a failed clutch. The other vehicles were able to be driven out by SARZA members.

This was an extremely long, hard recovery, and many lessons were learnt. All tourists and vehicles were recovered safely.


All members of the group were extremely grateful to SARZA FS and expressed their gratitude and thanks to all SARZA members around the country for the work that we all do.